Interest of Justice
Uniting Civil Society for Ethical Governance
Join our global community dedicated to advancing the Rule of Law and creating positive systemic change through collaboration and education.
Civil Society Organization
A non-profit international organization uniting individuals, governments, and philanthropists to co-create a golden age through Rule of Law reform.
Empowerment Through Education
Offering unique civics, ethics & anti-corruption courses combined with personal growth tools to elevate consciousness and civic participation.
Government Partnership
Working with governments, not against them, to rebuild public trust and create positive systemic change.
Empowering Citizens: A Call for Open Government and Justice
We stand at a critical juncture. The time for open government, scientific integrity, and human rights is now. Join us in rebuilding trust between governments and citizens. Together, we can combat impunity and ensure a just future for all.
Connect with changemakers and be part of the movement for ethical governance
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Support our mission through donation and help create lasting change
Empowering Public Participation
Enforceable Participation
Pass laws creating legally enforceable participation requirements. Elevate citizen voices in policy-making.
Dedicated Teams
Establish participation teams within government. Institutionalize mechanisms for improving public engagement.
Sectoral Reforms
Implement specific sectoral reforms. Ensure public participation across all policy areas.
Strategic Partnership: Interest of Justice & CONAMAJ, Strengthening The Costa Rican Judiciary

Open Justice Implementation
Supporting the development and implementation of transparent judicial processes and public access to justice information.

Case Backlog Reduction
Collaborating on innovative solutions to streamline case management and reduce judicial system delays.

Accountability Framework
Working together to establish robust accountability measures within the judicial system.
Watch how our partnership is transforming Costa Rica's judicial system:
Through this collaboration, we're helping create a more efficient, transparent, and accessible justice system that serves as a model for other nations.
We are proud to partner with Costa Rica's CONAMAJ (National Commission for the Improvement of the Administration of Justice) in their groundbreaking initiatives for judicial transparency and efficiency.
Strengthening Public Participation in the United States
Description of US Open Government Reform Plan Announced by US on November 27, 2024
Public participation, community engagement, and other forms of open government are cornerstones of democracy and the American democratic tradition. The United States will 1) develop a new Federal Framework for Public Participation and Community Engagement (PPCE) to strengthen and amplify PPCE efforts across all Federal Agencies, and to increase civic engagement, inclusion of, and trust with the American public, and 2) supplement the Framework with a new U.S. Federal PPCE Toolkit, which will serve as a living repository of leading practices, guidance, and case studies for the Federal government.
Problem(s) Addressed by Reform
The Open Government Directive requires U.S. Federal Agencies to take concrete steps to implement the principles of transparency, participation and collaboration in order to create a more open government. While Agencies continue making important strides in adopting the principles of open government, they can benefit from more specific tools and guidelines to ensure this work is mainstreamed and scaled across Federal efforts, and to increase civic engagement, inclusion of, and trust with the American public.
The new PPCE Framework will help: strengthen participation and engagement activities already underway across the Federal government; serve as a resource for Agencies undertaking PPCE activities for the first time; and provide guidance that Agencies can incorporate into new or existing processes and activities over time. In addition to serving as a living repository of leading practices, guidance, and case studies for all Federal Agencies, the new U.S. Federal PPCE Toolkit will also provide tailored recommendations for Federal Agencies to engage partners at the state, local, Tribal, and territorial levels.
Relevance to OGP Values
Public participation, community engagement, and other forms of open government are cornerstones of democracy and the American democratic tradition. The PPCE Framework and associated Toolkit will help enhance and expand existing efforts to promote PPCE across all Federal engagements.
Intended Results
Intended results by the end of the implementation period include:
– The United States will have an operating PPCE Framework and a PPCE Toolkit; and
– Federal Agencies will be actively using and contributing to the PPCE Toolkit and its living repository of PPCE leading practices, guidance, and case studies.
Key milestones include:
– Draft Federal PPCE Framework shared for public comment and consultation
– Federal PPCE Framework and sections of accompanying Toolkit launched
– Public update(s) on Federal PPCE Framework and accompanying Toolkit
– Full PPCE Toolkit launched and live
  • Commitment to Participatory Framework: The U.S. government has committed to creating a new framework to enhance public participation and community engagement across federal agencies.
  • Toolkit Development: A comprehensive toolkit will be developed to provide guidance, case studies, and leading practices on effective public participation programs.
  • Supporting Federal Agencies: The framework will support federal agencies in improving their public engagement activities, whether just starting or already underway.
  • Ambitious Goal: This commitment aims to promote and strengthen the obligation of federal agencies to actively engage the public throughout government decision-making processes.
4 Years Of Stonewalling & Now Progress In US!
The Path Forward: We Are United for Justice & Change!
Advancing People-Centered Justice
Participatory Design
Institutionalize inclusive approaches to justice policy. Ensure universal access to legal services.
Transparent Institutions
Strengthen independence of justice institutions. Increase responsiveness to public needs.
Accountability Mechanisms
Implement effective redress mechanisms. Protect whistleblowers and ensure right to information appeals.
Key Initiatives for Human Rights Protection
Interest of Justice leads strategic civil society anti corruption programs and works directly with governments to safeguard fundamental human rights and individual freedoms worldwide.
About Interest of Justice Initiatives
IoJ is proud to be chosen to become certified by Diplo Diplomacy Academy in Malta, in the Decoding Disinformation project by ‘Info Trust Alliance’, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by GIZ Moldova.
IoJ has proudly won 4 cases against the Health Ministry of Costa Rica for violation of rights, and our diligent last minute 30 page risk report has singlehandedly convinced Costa Rica to be the ONLY country in the world to reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Our accomplishments are growing and too numerous to mention here. We are preparing a page with our timeline and history to brief the public.
Fighting against information control and defending freedom of speech through legal action and public awareness campaigns. Supporting independent journalism and protecting whistleblowers.
Legal actions to challenge overreach and demand transparency in global health governance. Protecting national sovereignty and individual medical freedom. #SUETHEWHO
Advocating for informed consent and personal choice in medical decisions. Supporting legal challenges against emergency use medical interventions with no informed consent.

Stop Agenda 2030 - Science-Based Policy Initiative (Science Diplomacy SDG's)

We're on a mission to promote transparent, democratic approaches to sustainable development - empowering locally-driven solutions that respect individual rights while addressing social challenges and climate science debates through evidence-based policymaking. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are vital, but the UN's top-down approach often falls short. We believe the answers lie in elevating diverse, community-led initiatives - not dictating from on high. After all, the UN has long relied on blanket assertions, failing to provide concrete climate science evidence or settle disputes from expert whistleblowers. It's time to reclaim the narrative and put power back in the hands of the people. Join us in co-creating a new golden age, where the rule of law and scientific integrity reign supreme. Together, we can build a better tomorrow, one empowered community at a time. Join us in protecting human rights and individual freedoms. Together, we can ensure a future where human rights are paramount in the international governance of human rights and health norms. Join the Movement Join Community Reclaiming the Narrative: CLIMATE SCAM CENSORSHIP EXPOSED: The WHO Chief Scientist Jeremy Farrar silenced us for daring to expose the truth about climate science. Uncover the shocking UN-Google collusion - a scandalous violation of antitrust laws and scientific integrity! On October 30, 2023, the Interest of Justice and Free Speech Association were CENSORED by the WHO and Jeremy Farrar during the WHO's 1st Civil Society "consultation". Our crime? Stating TRUTHFUL CLIMATE FACTS that were publicly acknowledged by the UN's own head of communications! It's outrageous that the WHO silenced us simply for revealing the disturbing truth - the UN is colluding with Google to MANIPULATE climate search results. This blatant antitrust violation creates a dangerous monopoly over scientific discourse. Melissa Fleming, the UN's communications chief, openly admitted to working with Google to control the flow of climate information. This collusion not only breaks the law, but also suppresses genuine scientific debate. By censoring us, the WHO has shown its complicity in this alarming scientific cover-up. In a shocking turn of events, the WHO silenced us for exposing this revelation. The UN's collaboration with Google to dominate climate data violates antitrust laws and sets a dangerous precedent. We must stand up for scientific integrity and the free exchange of ideas, now more than ever. For these reasons, as a matter of law and to rebuild trust with civil society and the public, IoJ recommends all countries revisit their participatory obligations and create a panel of experts to oversee UN's climate science and determine if the investments and restructuring of society is needed in reality. Until participation is truly meaningful, Agenda 2030 is absolutely null and simply imposed without consent of the governed, or the agreements by those most affected by the policy changes.

Coming Soon
Alliance for Future Ethical Governance
Costa Rica
Join us for a transformative gathering focused on building crucial partnerships with governments to safeguard national sovereignty and individual rights. This first annual groundbreaking participatory summit will bring together leaders committed to protecting democratic governance and opposing centralized control mechanisms.

Strategic Partnerships
Building collaborative relationships with governments to protect sovereignty

Democratic Governance
Strengthening systems that preserve individual rights and freedoms

Global Cooperation
Creating networks of aligned nations and organizations protecting human rights and building strong institutions
Details and registration information coming soon. Stay tuned for updates about this historic gathering, mid to late 2025. To be announced soon.
Organized by Interest of Justice and other partners to be announced.
Strengthening Civic Space
Impartial Laws
Advocate for laws that protect civil society. Minimize restrictions on independent organizations.
Freedom of Assembly
Train authorities to respect peaceful gatherings. Protect the right to assemble freely.
Protect Activists
Implement reforms to safeguard human rights defenders. Ensure freedom of expression for all.
Comprehensive Strategy
Develop action plans to address civic space restrictions. Use Human Rights Impact Assessments.
Safeguarding Media Freedom
Remove Legal Barriers
Eliminate criminal defamation laws. Tackle SLAPPs that silence journalists and activists.
Support Independent Media
Create environments for revenue generation. Allow for public-funded media platforms.
Align Media Laws
Review and pass new media laws. Ensure alignment with open government principles.
Scientific Integrity: The Cornerstone of Progress
The Global Science Integrity Task Force is forming now! NO conflicts of interest and strict adherence to the unequivocal rules of science. Together with governments and dissenting experts we can clean up the corruption in strict regulatory bodies to restore science integrity and earn back trust in public health.


Include Dissenters
Embrace scientific debate. Include all voices, especially dissenters, in policy decisions.


Uphold Cultural Rights
Recognize participation in science as a cultural right. States must fulfill this obligation.


Revise Global Decisions
Reevaluate international agreements made without proper scientific input. Start anew with diverse perspectives.


Global Science Integrity Task Force
(forming now to assist the 75 Open Governments+ with Open Science Plans)
Join Interest of Justice Community
We bring together global change-makers with online civics courses, live activism workshops, consciousness and empowerment tools and more so that we can participate in governance and create a better world!
Join: Interest of Justice Inner Circle Members
Get Started
Membership Options
Take the first step towards co-creating the golden age for humanity. Join our community of conscious leaders, governments, and philanthropists, and together, we will shape a brighter future for all where rule of law is protected, respected and enforced to protect human rights and ensure a healthy future for humanity.
Access to our online community, educational resources, and select webinars.
$48 Inner Circle Member
Exclusive access to our live Q&A sessions, guided activations, and members-only forums.
Custom Leader Package
Tailored solutions and personalized programs designed to meet your specific needs and goals. Contact us for custom pricing.
This unique membership can help you have the best 2025 with change-makers just like you!
Learn More about how the Inner Circle or Leaders Packages can help you have the best year ever!

Levels of Engagement: Free, $48 Inner Circle & Custom Leader Package

Free Access to our online community, educational resources, and select webinars. $48 Inner Circle Member Exclusive access to our live Q&A sessions, guided activations, and members-only forums. Custom Leader Package Tailored solutions and personalized programs designed to meet your specific needs and goals. Contact us for custom pricing.

Perks of the $48 Level: Exclusive Access Inner Circle

Exclusive Access Inner Circle: Unlock members-only forums, live Q&A sessions, and curated resources. Guided courses, livestreams, meditations and activations: Enjoy our collection of transformative knowledge, guided meditations to deepen your practice and empower your inner sovereign warrior. Community Events Participate in virtual and in-person community gatherings to connect with like-minded individuals.

Perks of the Custom Leaders Package: Private Masterclasses, Coaching Assistance, Networking Events, More

Contact us for more information and to create a package to empower you to meet your ethical and participatory governance and personal goals! Private Masterclasses Gain exclusive access to in-depth masterclasses led by industry experts and thought leaders. Networking Events Attend curated networking events to connect with other conscious leaders, governments, and philanthropists. Collaborative Opportunities Explore opportunities to directly collaborate with our community on projects that align with our shared vision.

Empowerment: Elevating Our Inner Warrior Consciousness

ChangeMaking Mastery Guided Meditations Explore our collection of transformative guided meditations to deepen your spiritual practice and cultivate inner peace. Consciousness & Rule of Law Workshops Attend our dynamic workshops focused on expanding your awareness, unlocking your intuitive abilities, and aligning with your highest self. Personal Mastery Empowerment Coaching Work one-on-one with our experienced coaches to overcome limiting beliefs, develop your unique gifts, and manifest your greatest vision. Be the sovereign warrior made in God's image.

Self Mastery, Manifestation, Law & Civics Courses: Empowering Changemakers For Noble Civil Combat!

Empowering Curriculum Our courses explore the fundamental principles of natural law, civics, and self mastery, providing you with the essential knowledge and tools to engage as an active, informed citizen. Experienced Instructors Learn directly from our team of dedicated experts who have spent their lives mastering and embodying the principles of sovereign warrior philosophy. It's a lifestyle, exemplified daily. Interactive Learning Participate in enriching discussions, hands-on activities, and real-world experiences to deeply assimilate the concepts and practices we teach. Q & A & discussion chats open 24/7.

Co-creating a Golden Age with a Great Reset of Rule of Law! Humanity United!

Elevate Consciousness Explore our personal growth tools to unlock your full potential and raise your awareness to new levels. Become Informed Citizens Dive into our civics courses and gain the knowledge to be active, empowered co-creators of the new Earth. Co-create the Golden Age Join our community of conscious leaders, governments, and philanthropists to collectively shape the future we all desire.

Call to Action: Philanthropists and Leaders


Invest in Open Government
Fund initiatives that promote transparency and accountability. Support civil society organizations driving change.


Empower Citizens
Allocate resources to education and civic engagement programs. Build a more informed and active citizenry.


Strengthen Institutions
Support civil society and make structural reforms that enhance judicial independence. Invest in secure non globalized national technology designed for more efficient participatory governance.
Act Now—Be Part of the Solution
Provide sustained support for this long-term legal battle.
Stay informed and connect with global changemakers.
Spread the Word
Share our mission to inspire others to join the fight.
🌟 Interest of Justice - Empowering Change, United in Purpose 🌟
Join Us in Creating a Better Tomorrow
Together, we stand at the threshold of transformative change. Your voice, your actions, and your commitment matter in this journey toward justice and enlightened governance guided by natural law.
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