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  4. Read Dr. Mike Yeadon Affidavit #2 (rebutting CR Health Minister testimony) September 2021 that was repeatedly ignored until now

Read Dr. Mike Yeadon Affidavit #2 (rebutting CR Health Minister testimony) September 2021 that was repeatedly ignored until now

This is the second of 2 verified signed affidavits from Dr. Mike Yeadon (former VP of Pfizer) denouncing the testimony of the former Costa Rican Health Minister and the WHO’s bad science from 2 previous Amparo’s (common law court cases to restore rights).

In this instance the Health Ministers false testimony was recently found to be false by the prosecutor, nearly two years after Dr. Yeadon tried to warn everyone! We still have to win in court(s) to unravel all the lies we have known for so long and actually achieve victory.

Bless Dr. Yeadon for being the PERSISTENCE!

notice: The typos are not Dr. Yeadon’s fault, IOJ was transcribing Dr. Yeadon’s spoken words in a time crunch, and as a result there are a few typos or grammar issues which should not detract from the seriousness of the message that the covid-19 emergency was a fraud to bring in harmful bioweapons.

Read the 2nd affidavit below:

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