Participatory Governance is our only solution!

participation manifestation creation

We really want to hold the government to account to create better participatory mechanisms that allow uncensored scientific debate and collaboration in declared emergencies.  If you agree and want to actively participate in creating a better system please join us in the participation and collaboration accountability project.

What is participatory governance?

Participatory governance is embodied in processes that empower citizens to participate in public decision-making, and it has been gaining increasing acceptance as an effective means to tackle ‘democracy deficits’ and improve public accountability.

Around the world, a growing number of governments and their partners in civil society are experimenting with innovative practices that seek to expand the space and mechanisms for citizen participation in governance processes beyond elections. There is evidence that participatory governance practices are contributing to stronger government transparency, accountability and responsiveness, and improved public policies and services.

How can you participate?

Public Dialogue and Debate

This section describes a range of innovative approaches and tools for promoting more productive interactions and enhancing dialogue between multiple state and non-state actors.


Policy and planning by the people

The design and implementation of public policies and plans that respond effectively to citizens’ priorities and needs are a key task of any government. These tools enable citizens and civil society organisations to contribute meaningfully to processes of public policy-making and planning, at both the local and national level.


When to Use a Citizens’ Assembly?


In July, 2020, the OECD has released a phenomenal report called “Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions: Catching the Deliberative Wave”. WE believe we the people better use the OECD tools to participate if we want to free ourselves – FAST – before their groups decide our fates for us all.

The OECD project brought together an ironclad team of practitioners, designers, academics, researchers, civil servants. It examined an awe-inspiring 289 cases around the world of citizens assemblies and citizens juries―to find out what we can learn from their success.

The Citizens’ Jury/Citizens’ Panel is the most widely used model of representative deliberative process to date (used 115 times, 41% of all cases).

The experts recommended using deliberative processes for:

  • Value-driven dilemmas. Policy issues where there is no clear right and wrong―the goal is to find the common ground.
  • Complex problems that require trade offs.
  • Long-term issues that go beyond the short-term incentives of electoral cycles. Citizens’ assemblies take political self-interest out of the equation. Participants make decisions based on the public good.

Deliberative processes have been used for decades, but are exploding all over the world since the success of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly. The past year alone, governments in Scotland, Ireland, the UK and France convened assemblies on challenging national policy issues such as climate change. 



“We are the first Central American country to join the OECD! “, Announces Carlos Alvarado

 “May 2021 Costa Rica has become the 38th OECD Member country (4th in Latin America). The process to join “the club” began in 2012″ – Carlos Alvarado – WEF Young Global Leader and former CR President
notice:  IOJ believes the “club” is out to depopulate, take all of your property, sovereignty and rights from you under the false guise of helping humanity

The OECD is an international organization founded in 1961 whose purpose is to promote policies for social and economic well-being.  



According to the Casa Presidencial, “the incorporation into OECD will allow the country to participate in more than 300 committees and groups to decide on equal terms in the development of innovative solutions for common challenges, such as the emergency in the face of the covid-19, issues associated with climate change and the fourth industrial revolution, among others”.

read more here


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